Sharing Appointment Details with Partnered Bridal Stores
In order to provide the best possible experience for our brides and to assist them in finding the perfect gown that reflects their unique style and personality, we may share certain appointment details with partnered bridal stores in the local area that the bride is also planning to visit. It is important to emphasize that we do not receive any referral fees, income, gifts, or any other form of compensation for engaging in this practice. This collaborative effort is designed to assist brides in discovering and selecting their ideal dress more effectively and efficiently. We only share information that is directly relevant and necessary for the process, including the bride's name, dress size, preferred styles, and budget considerations. It is important to note, however, that we do not share any personal contact information, order details, credit card numbers, or any other types of sensitive data. The sharing of these details is conducted with the explicit consent of the bride and is intended to facilitate a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience across our partner stores. We always ensure that we obtain explicit consent from brides prior to sharing any of these specifics. By booking an appointment with us, you are agreeing to this sharing procedure, which is designed to enhance your experience. However, if you should ever wish to withdraw your consent at any point, you are encouraged to contact us at or call 519 488 0349 at any time, and we will be happy to assist you. We take the handling of all shared information very seriously and comply rigorously with privacy laws, thereby ensuring your privacy is consistently protected at all times. Additionally, we adhere to all applicable privacy regulations, including the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) in Ontario, to maintain the highest standards of privacy for all our clients.